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More About Gheros
Alania Map Official.png
Character Design

In addition to my passion for fashion, I've always loved fantasy writing, films, and art. I began writing when I was young, and consumed as much media as I could to discover what I liked and what I didn't like. Properties like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, How to Train Your Dragon, and Studio Ghibli have had a huge impact on my designs and my writing. A much more obscure series called The Queen's Blade by author T.C. Southwell will always remain my favorite though.

In 2018, I began a world building project for a D&D campaign I started. It was just a hobby at first, but as it has grown, I've started taking steps to turn it into something more.

Below you'll see some of the character designs I've done for the fantasy setting I've created. To left you'll see some of the maps I've created for the setting.

World of Gheros Original Characters

Each of these characters have unique backstories and hours of time and thought put not only into their designs, but into every detail of their personality, their relationships, and what makes them who they are.

If you want to learn more about a character's aesthetic, click the see Mood Board button to view their Pinterest board!

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